Friday, August 23, 2013

The U.S. Air Force Invites You to Attend Public-Scoping Meetings for the Proposed Gulf Regional Airspace Strategic Initiative (GRASI) Landscape Initiative

The U.S. Air Force is proposing to use Blackwater River State Forest (BRSF) and Tate’s Hell State Forest (THSF) for nonhazardous military training activities and to establish and use of up to 12 emitter sites in northwest Florida through the Gulf Regional Airspace Strategic Initiative (GRASI) Landscape Initiative.

The proposals would build additional regional capacity for nonhazardous training operations that can be conducted outside restricted areas.  This would be accomplished through two partnerships:

Partnership with the State of Florida to utilize BRSF and THSF for nonhazardous activities as needed.  Training activities proposed for the BRSF and THSF would be compatible with the state forests and include nonhazardous training activities that already conducted on the Eglin AFB Range.  No live munitions would be used and no substantive land disturbance or construction activities would occur.  The proposal does not increase the number of military training operations within the GRASI region and shifts the training from the Eglin AFB Range to the state forests on an as-needed basis.  Initially, training would occur a few times annually, and training activities would increase as the GRASI Landscape Initiative program becomes more established.  

Partnership with Florida Forest Service and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for use of associated lands for placement of temporary and mobile training radar emitters.

By utilizing the GRASI landscape, the geographic scope of military training would more closely resemble that of actual combat scenarios.  Ground units would be able to practice over a larger and more diverse area.  Establishing new nonhazardous training areas and placing training emitters in remote locations would also improve training outcomes through better scheduling and reduce the competing demands on restricted areas.  Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, the Air Force will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which will assess the potential environmental consequences of the GRASI Landscape Initiative.

The public scoping meetings are being held to inform the public about the proposed action and alternatives under consideration and to “scope” important issues to evaluate in the EIS.  The meetings will begin at 6:00 P.M. with an open house, with an Air Force presentation starting at 6:30 P.M., followed by an opportunity for public comment at 7:00 P.M.  Your input is valuable and assists the Air Force in making decisions that are more informed.


August 27, 2013
Milton Community Center Gracie Room
5629 Byrom Street, Milton, Florida

August 28, 2013
Blountstown Civic Center
17773 Ne Pear Street, Blountstown, Florida

August 29, 2013
Apalachicola Battery Park Community Center
1 Bay Avenue, Apalachicola, Florida

For more information, or to submit written comments visit the GRASI Landscape Initiative EIS website at or contact Mr. Mike Spaits at Eglin AFB Public Affairs Office via telephone at (850)882-2836 or via email at

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