Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Downtown Improvement Board Created

In other business before the city at its special July 14 meeting, commissioners approved at the request of downtown business owner Joe Taylor the creation of a Downtown Improvement Board (DIB).

Taylor told commissioners that the mission of the DIB would be to unify a broad range of interests in order to plan and coordinate a downtown revitalization program to promote economic development and historic preservation.

He further stated that the DIB would maximize public and private resources to recommend and implement improvements to promote the downtown area by developing identity for “Historic Apalachicola” as a National leader in cultural and heritage tourism.

Taylor said that the DIB would create an inviting atmosphere in the commercial district that conveys a positive visual image while maintaining the unique character and appropriateness of historic Apalachicola and that the DIB would support existing businesses and recruit compatible new businesses.

City commissioners appointed the following members to the DIB: Susan Gary, Lynn Wilson-Spohrer, P.J. Trowell, Dixie Partington, Amanda Kollar, Steven Bartlett, Donnie Gay, Steve Rash, Beverly Hewitt, George Mahr, George Coon, Tom Daly, Anna-Maria Cannatella, Harry Arnold, Joe Taylor, and city commissioner Valentina Webb.

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