Sunday, June 12, 2011

Three Years and Counting

Mayor Van Johnson
Today marks the third year anniversary of “The Mayor’s Blog”!
On June 12, 2008, I launched this blog as a means of staying connected, keeping the residents of Apalachicola informed, and bringing transparency to the daily activities of local government. 

Three years later and the blog has expanded beyond the cyber borders of Apalachicola, reaching into the depths of virtual reality, bringing in visitors from every state in the union, plus 71 different countries from around the globe. Florida, has the honors of leading the way by sending visitors from 210 different cities to the site.  

The most notable visits have come from governmental agencies such as the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the State of Florida, the Florida Supreme Court, the Florida Legislature, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. House of Representatives, the United State Senate, and the U.S. Department of Justice. 

Last year I met a man and his wife from Tennessee – the couple shared stories about how they enjoyed learning about Apalachicola through this blog.

Over 700 posts have been blogged to date concerning the activities of my administration, and events surrounding the City of Apalachicola. In case you missed reading them, listed below are the top twenty that sent the most traffic to the site.

I would like to commemorate “The Mayor’s Blog” third year anniversary by thanking each of you for visiting, reading, and for commenting on my posts, and for everything that you do to keep Apalachicola special. I trust you'll hang around and bear with me for another year or perhaps four.

With warm regards, 
Van W. Johnson, Sr., Mayor
The Historic City of Apalachicola

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