Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Apalachicola Museum of Art to exhibit Beth Appleton's Newest Work

The Apalachicola Museum of Art (AMA) will host a Beth Appleton exhibit February 8 - March 15, 2013. A nationally-recognized talent, Appleton's newest work "Aquatica 4x” will be on display. "Aquatica 4x" is a watercolor/cut paper assemblage-inspired by microscopic images of the area's coastal waters.

Appleton's new children's book "Gently Down the Stream" will also be featured at the exhibit as well as a short film the artist created. The Appleton Exhibit will open with a reception February 8 from 6:00PM - 8:00PM and will feature vocalist Velma Frye at the Apalachicola Museum of Art, located at 96 5th Street.

Beth Appleton will also be the featured guest for a Gallery Talk on February 23, at the Apalachicola Museum of Art. The talk will feature a discussion of Appleton's art as well as her film.

Representatives from the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve, BringMeABook Franklin, Apalachicola Museum of Art and local Coastal Cleanup organization will be on hand.

Appleton's book "Gently Down the Stream" is the focus of a February children's art and reading program hosted by the BringMeABook Franklin and the AMA. Appleton's book will be featured at Read Aloud events at each of the county's three elementary schools during February and a copy of the book is being provided to all Franklin County elementary school students.

In addition, the AMA is planning a series of elementary school field trips to the Appleton exhibit during February.

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