Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From the Mayor’s Desk

Dear Citizens of Historic Apalachicola,

After looking at the failure of many of the efforts of BP and those working with BP to the west of us here in Apalachicola to locate and contain the approaching oil spill and prevent it from coming ashore in these communities (Pensacola Beach, etc.), and after reviewing the projections of scientists from following the dye put in the oil erupting from the spill site, I am convinced that we must act immediately to defend and protect ourselves from this oil. We here in Apalachicola already know from our fight with the Army Corps of Engineers and upstream water takers over the illegal taking of our fresh water flow down the Apalachicola River, particularly during drought, that “no one is going to protect your backyard like you’re going to protect your backyard.” (Quote from Tony Kennon, Mayor, Orange Beach, AL – 6/14/10)

We have been asking BP and our government for assistance to enable Apalachicola to protect against this oil for weeks, mostly without any response. Some of our sister cities to the west experienced the same delay and after five weeks the oil came to their shores and their focus has now been turned to clean-up rather than keeping the oil from getting to them. Apalachicola cannot afford this style of “protection”. We owe it to ourselves, our businesses, our fishermen, our most productive estuary in North America, our visitors, our parents and grandparents and many generations of residents here in Apalachicola who have fought for its survival and won, to do what we have to do to protect against this oil from getting to our waters and shores.

As always, this will take all of our effort and it will take the money from BP that we have been pleading for to financially enable us to keep the oil out of Apalachicola. I pledge to you that we will fight with everything we are and everything we are provided to protect against this disaster. We will include as a very important part of this process, keeping you informed of all the information we receive and providing an opportunity to question and get immediate answers from BP and the authorities on issues you feel are important.

For that purpose, the City of Apalachicola has developed this response plan and I have scheduled the first Town Meeting to discuss the BP Oil Spill for you at the Apalachicola Community Center on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 6:00PM EDT.

Van W. Johnson, Sr., Mayor
The Historic City of Apalachicola

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