Sunday, April 21, 2013

Apalachicola files lawsuit against BP

The City of Apalachicola through its special attorney David C. Rash of Weston, Florida has filed lawsuit against BP, Halliburton and their entities in the Northern District Court of Florida Panama City Division.

Unwilling to delegate our elected responsibilities and duties to other governmental entities, the city was compelled to file the lawsuit due to the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that wreaked havoc on Apalachicola's economy, specifically setting in motion the lost of millions in city revenue through the diminution of value in its property, traffic derived from tourism and in the sale and shipment of seafood.

The city also incurred expenses in the creation of an "Oil Sill Protection Strategy" that detailed the city's response, removal, recovery, restoration, clean-up and remediation that wouldn't have had to be expended had it not been for the Deepwater Horizon disaster. 

As you know, the economic survival of Apalachicola and all of Franklin County is depended upon the pristine and nationally historic Apalachicola River and Bay, and the oil spill damaged and continues to damage the reputation of this estuary. 

A claim was presented to BP and they have essentially not responded, so like the State of Florida and other municipalities, Apalachicola had to file the lawsuit in order to protect the rights and remedies of its people.

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