Monday, June 27, 2011

Mayor’s Business Breakfast

Please join me for breakfast at 9:00AM on Wednesday, June 29, 2011, at Tamara’s Café in historic downtown Apalachicola.

I will be hosting the gathering to give Historic Apalachicola, Inc. an opportunity to present the work plans that have been developed for submittal with the Main Street Florida Application in July.

Last August city commissioners unanimously moved to collaborate with Historic Apalachicola, Inc., to make application for national accreditation as a Main Street Program through the National Trust for Historic Preservation.`

Main Street Programs are movements that help transform the way communities think about the revitalization and management of their downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts.

Typically Main Streets are the economic engines or the core of a community and the City of Apalachicola along with its community partners recognizes that a prosperous, sustainable community is only as healthy as its core.

Space is limited to 50 people, so call ahead to 1-855-APALACH to reserve your seat!

This is a community building activity sponsored by Volunteer Florida’s BEST Neighborhoods, Franklin’s Promise Coalition, Volunteer Franklin, and the City of Apalachicola all working together for the good of historic Apalachicola.

Tamara’s Café is located on the Corner of Market Street and Avenue D.  For more information, visit and click on “Downtown”.

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