Faye Johnson, Project Impact Director reported to the Apalachicola City Commission at their April 6, regular meeting that student enrollment in the program had increased over the past 6-months.
Johnson told commissioners that the March 2010 enrollment data at the ABC School site indicated that student participation had increased to an average of 80 students per day, up from 49 in September 2009. At the City of Apalachicola Community & Youth Center, enrollment data also showed a rise in student participation; where an average of 35 students enrolled in March 2010, up from 11 in September 2009.
Johnson also told commissioners that Project Impact hosted several camps during the recent holiday school closures. Those camps incorporated the Christmas break, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday and the recent local high school spring break.
The camps encompassed sports and recreational activities, arts and crafts, reading enrichment, talent shows, dance, cooking lessons, and behavior intervention strategies.
Future-plans of the program include the purchase of 20 brand new Hewlett Packard state-of-art All-in-one Touch Screen computers with the 23-inch monitor and 10 Netbooks with webcams for students use.
Moreover, to expand the on-going arts program, Johnson intends to establish a full pottery studio and craft-room that will include the addition of weaving and jewelry making.
Plans for the upcoming summer camp are in process with an extensive reading program scheduled in collaboration with the Apalachicola Municipal Library and the Franklin County Bring Me a Book Foundation.
In addition, Project Impact has entered into a contract with the Missoula Children’s Theater out of Missoula, Montana. Beginning on June 28, the theatrical group will provide weeklong activities that include theater arts, auditions, training, and rehearsals, and conclude with a performance of Pinochie at 5:30PM on Friday, July 2, and a Matinee at 3:00PM Saturday, July 3.
For more information about Project Impact, or to enroll your child at one of the sites, contact Faye Johnson at either (850) 545-9045 or fayejohnson@cityofapalachicola.com .
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