Monday, April 12, 2010

Local Happenings

Today April 12, at 5:00PM the Apalachicola City Commission will hold a joint workshop with members of the City’s Planning & Zoning Board at City Hall - 1 Bay Avenue – Apalachicola.

The workshop is to discuss before implementation a fee schedule to be allocated to the city’s newly created pool of architects to review major renovations and new construction for historic compatibility throughout the city.

On Tuesday, April 13, Neighborhood Watch will meet at 6:00PM at the 6th Street Recreation Center, please come out and feel free to bring a friend or neighbor. Neighborhood Watch is a simple program where neighbors watch out for each other like they use to do years ago.

On Thursday, April 15, the Community Pride Partnership Initiative will meet at 6:00PM at City Hall. Community Pride was created a couple of years ago to give the public an informal process to bring forth ideas and/or concerns for consideration and possible implementation by the city commission.

All city meetings, workshops and planning sessions are open and members of the public are encouraged to become involved by attending.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to see the City take this review approach. It's a lose-lose. There are much more pressing issues such as: street, sidewalk, right of way,and drainage conditions, environmental and health codes, fire safety, etc., that the City should be addressing ahead of "historic compatibility". Please Mayor, would you like to discuss the need for a "pool of review architects" in one of your blog posts? Many of us in the Historic District of Apalachicola do not live in historic structures. How will that be taken into consideration when so called, "major renovations" are planned. What if, for instance, a resident wishes to renovate, or construct new, a LEED certified residential structure, or incorporate the latest green building techniques and products into their non-historic,latter 20th Century home? Will P&Z and their pool of architects be qualified to approach this and make reasonable recommendations without lengthy delay? And while we're on the subject of architects, how will they be selected? Need they be "local"? What will their qualifications and experience be? There are many unanswered questions. I will try to be there at this meeting, though the notice is short. I hope the answers I hear will be well thought out.
