Sunday, October 28, 2012

Florida Voters’ Checklist

1. On Election Day, EACH POLLING PLACE WILL BE OPEN BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 7:00 P.M. A voter in line by 7:00 P.M. HAS THE RIGHT TO VOTE.

2. Florida law requires that each polling place be accessible to physically disabled voters. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE and may designate someone of your choice, other than an employer or an officer or agent of your union, to provide such assistance. Election officials may also provide assistance.

3. If you do not have photo identification YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE a provisional ballot that should be counted as long as you are properly registered to vote and in the right polling location. To vote a REGULAR ballot, you may show: a Florida driver's license, Florida identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, United States passport, debit or credit card, military identification, student identification, retirement center identification, neighborhood association identification, public assistance identification.

4. If you cannot read, write, or speak English or you are blind or otherwise physically disabled, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RECEIVE HELP WITH VOTING by a person of your choice except the judge of elections, your employer or an agent of your employer, or an officer or agent of your union.

5. If you have moved to a different precinct in the same county prior to the election, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE at the polling place of your NEW residence upon updating your registration.

6. If you have moved to a different county prior to the election, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE at the new polling place that corresponds to your new address in your NEW COUNTY and update the registration. However, you will be casting a PROVISIONAL ballot.

7. If you make a mistake or "spoil" your ballot, and have not cast the ballot, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RECEIVE A REPLACEMENT BALLOT after returning the spoiled ballot.

8. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WAIT TO VOTE (OR TO VOTE) without anyone electioneering or trying to influence your vote in any other way within 100 feet of the entrance to your polling place or polling room.

9. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to take a sample ballot into the voting booth with you.

10. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to bring your minor children into the polling place and into the voting booth with you.

11. If you are at the wrong voting location, the POLL WORKER MUST TELL YOU WHERE YOUR POLLING LOCATION IS.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry® Smartphone™

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