Monday, May 10, 2010

BP to offer training with OSHA and Coast Guard

Health, Safety and Environmental Training has been a key focus to properly prepare those interested in participating in shoreline clean up. The training is fit-for-purpose based on whether you are a volunteer, contractor or vessel owner. The Post-Emergency Spilled Oil Response Training Modules were prepared by Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), with review and approval provided by BP, Occupational Safety & Health Administration and US Coast Guard personnel.

The training is for those registered in the Vessel of Opportunity program or as a contractor who wants to participate in clean up. The non-contaminated beach clean up "volunteers" will receive a basic BP health, safety & environmental orientation which as been endorsed by OSHA and the the Coast Guard.

To be included as a volunteer, please contact the BP volunteer hotline at 866-448-5816. Your contact information will be gathered and you will contacted when opportunities arise in your area. If you are interested in assisting in shoreline oil spill clean up operations, and you live in one of the coastal states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama or Florida), you can request placement in a spill response course by emailing This course is not a guarantee of employment but provides credentials needed to be hired for spill cleanup work by BP contractors.

For more up to date information, visit

*Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information:

*Submit alternative response technology, services or products:
(281) 366-5511

*Submit your vessel as a vessel of opportunity skimming system:
(281) 366-5511

*Submit a claim for damages:
(800) 440-0858

*Report oiled wildlife:
(866) 557-1401


  1. The Gulf Coast oil spill is a disaster that many of us are concerned about. We will continue to offer select information related to how Florida residents can help, volunteer or contribute efforts to the recovery and clean-up.

  2. Hello Friends,

    I Agree With your information. But I suggest more Information for osha Training. So, More Information for osha Training Just go on
