Monday, November 16, 2009

Chamber Report on Oyster Ban

Anita Grove, Executive Director for the Apalachicola Bay Chamber of Commerce reported at the Nov 3 City Commission meeting, that over the past few weeks the Chamber Office fielded numerous calls and granted several interviews to various media outlets concerning the proposal by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) to ban the sale of raw oysters.

Grove stated that she gave information regarding the potential economic harm the ban would have on the area to Matt Dixon with the News Herald, Cain Burdeau with the Associated Press and Mike Heller a TV reporter also with the Associated Press.

Grove explained to commissioners that the Chamber assisted the Franklin County Oyster and Seafood Task Force and the Franklin County Tourist Development Council with drafting a petition and fact sheet opposing the ban.

She asked for and received unanimous support from the City Commission to join in with a resolution to the USFDA opposing the ban.

NOTE: In a press release issued Friday, Nov 13, the USFDA reversed their position on banning the sale of raw oysters. (See blog post titled “Shellfish Community Applauds USFDA for Dropping Ban on Traditional Raw Oysters”)

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