Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Greene reports on library activities

During the July 7, regular scheduled meeting of the Apalachicola City Commission, Municipal Librarian Caty Greene reported that 853 patrons visited the library during the preceding month of June, and that 338 of those visitors requested use of the computers.

In addition, Greene reported that volunteers have logged in over 100 hours helping at the library, which she credited the overall increase in statistics to the implementation of the summer reading program.

The reading program has attracted over 60 children from K-5 as Project Impact selected the municipal library as a site for their weekly field trips.

Greene also informed commissioners that the library would be expanding their hours of operation through the month of July, where the library will remain open until 6:00PM during the weekdays and from 11:00AM to 3:00PM on Saturdays.

She further reported that the library is participating in a statewide coloring contest with the NFL Miami Dolphins franchise football team and the State Library system. The state library will judge all entries and give out sport memorabilia as prizes. For their participation, the Apalachicola Municipal Library received 75 books for inclusion in their inventory.

Library Board Chair Susan Clementson thanked the citizens, merchants, and Trinity Episcopal Church for their overwhelming support of the summer reading program and announced that next Tuesday, July 14, 2009, from 9:30AM to 10:30AM the library will be hosting in front of the library an event involving a cadre of trucks.

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