Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Commission Report: April 7, 2009

Other business before the city commission at the April 7 meeting included the following:

Pam Mahr appeared before the commission to request an encroachment to place an awning over the sidewalk at her building off Commerce Street. The Board approved the request.

Carol Godwin appeared before the commission to express concerns over poor drainage in her 15th Street neighborhood and the subsequent flooding of her property during the recent heavy rains.

*Library Report
Caty Greene, the new librarian reported that during the month of March the Apalachicola Municipal Library served 1,073 patrons, which included 19 new patrons.

She further told commissioners that the workforce position remains vacant, and that Library hours continue to be from 10:00AM to 5:00PM, with an expectation to increase those hours once the workforce person is hired.

Greene continued that the Library has an increase demand for internet access, and that their book collection has increased in size, which has contributed to a decrease in shelf space, with hopes that this will be addresses through their plans for expansion.

She went on to tell commissioners that the Library Board continues to support the city’s purchase of the Pierce House to address their need for additional space.

*Police Department Report
Police Chief Bobby Varnes reported that during the month of March his officers responded to 175 calls, made five direct arrests, served seven warrants, and worked 10 traffic accidents. He also reported that he’s looking into the possibility of implementing a neighborhood watch program as a means to help address reports of increase drug activity in the city.

Chief Varnes requested and received approval to hire Timothy Davis a current deputy sheriff with the Franklin Sheriff Office to replace Lt. Gray Hunnings who resigned from the force last month.

*City Administrator Report
City Administrator Betty Taylor-Webb submitted the following written report to the commission:

The city is waiting for final deed transfer of the Apalachicola High School property from the Franklin County District School Board. The School Board’s intent is to transfer all building footprints with a non-monetary lease on the surrounding properties and fields. The gym and field house are being utilized and cleanup of the high school building has begun. An open house for the official opening of the Apalachicola Recreational Civic, Youth, and Community Service Center Complex is planned for Friday, May 15, 2009, from 3:00PM to 6:00PM.

The Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Audit is complete. There were no new comments for this year, several remain from the previous year, some of which have now been corrected, or limited funds and/or staff prohibit complete compliance (i.e. separation of duties and the City relying on the auditing firm to complete financial statements rather than hiring a full-time accountant).

The USDA application for the Fire/Police Station has been submitted. Plans are moving forward with Phase I of the project with the current funds awarded by DCA to construct the truck garage. Debbie Belcher is finalizing bid specs for review. Phase II will encompass USDA funds to pay for the existing building and finalization of ADA compliance and interconnection of the two structures (existing and garage).

*Building Department Report
A discussion was held and a decision made to solicit Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a pool of Historic Preservation Architects or firms to perform services as needed similar to the city’s pool of engineers.

*Grant Manager Report
Cindi Giametta the city’s grant manager requested approval to submit an application for a COPS grant to fund for three-year a police officer’s position. Giametta also requested approval for the City of Apalachicola to apply as the fiscal agency for the Project Impact 21st Century grant. The Board approved both requests.

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