Monday, September 13, 2010

Apalachicola CRA seeks CDBG funding for projects

The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has announced funding availability under the Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.

The agency will allocate approximately $27.1 million of 2010 Federal Fiscal Year funding towards CDBG Programs, which include $2.7 million for Commercial Revitalization, $8.1 million for Housing Rehabilitation and $10.8 million for Neighborhood Revitalization.

The Florida Small Cities CDBG Program serves small and rural communities throughout the state. Funding is competitive and there are no “targeted” areas. However, both the City of Apalachicola, and the City of Carrabelle along with Franklin County are listed as eligible to apply to participate in the Small Cities CDBG Program in the 2010 funding cycle:

In addition, approximately $148,000 will be available for Planning and Design Specifications grants.

The Apalachicola Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is currently talking with the city’s CDBG contact person about applying for the Neighborhood Revitalization and the Commercial Revitalization categories of the CDBG program.

After scheduling and holding two future public hearings concerning usage of the 2010 CDBG funding, should the city decide to move forward and is awarded the grants, the Neighborhood Revitalization CDBG will be used to fund stormwater drainage with a priority on "The Hill" area.

In addition, the Commercial Revitalization CDBG will be used to fund sidewalks, lighting, and landscaping in the downtown area, and possibly sidewalks, and lighting in other CRA areas as well.

Once the stormwater drainage improvements are in place, housing will be the next focus for a Neighborhood Revitalization CDBG.

The agency also has in its 2010 Federal Fiscal Year funding approximately $5.4 million available for Economic Development, job creation, and retention activities. They also have set aside approximately $1.5 million for state-declared emergencies.

The application cycle will open on October 1, 2010 and close at 5:00PM EST on November 17, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on improving your infrastructure, Mr. Mayor. Sometimes stormwater isn't considered important enough, even though the people certainly suffer when flash flooding occurs. It sounds as though you have a good set of priorities, if indeed you move on rapidly to housing after you have your stormwater infrastructure improved.
