Saturday, May 8, 2010

Marketing funds requested from British Petroleum

Late Tuesday May 4, Apalachicola City Administrator Betty Taylor-Webb sat in on a productive meeting in Okaloosa County called by State Senator Don Gaetz (R), with State Representative Marti Coley (R), FDEP Secretary Michael Sole, officials from British Petroleum (BP), the U.S. Coast Guard and other local elected officials all in attendance.

Gaetz called the meeting to allow state and local officials, along with BP representatives to share plans to assist with the protection of Northwest Florida beaches and bays from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Besides a host of good information shared at the meeting, business owners also shared their fears and frustrations over cancelled reservations and silent phones.

In response, Coley reached out to Visit Florida and the wheels began to turn with ways to help spread the message that Northwest Florida is still open for business.

Visit Florida prepared and submitted the following proposal to British Petroleum and is currently awaiting word of its approval. If approved, there a component of the plan that would make funds available directly to local communities to market themselves.


VISIT FLORIDA has prepared a contingency plan to develop an integrated marketing plan to restore the health of the Florida Tourism Industry.

Mitigate the economic impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill on the Florida Tourism Industry immediately and restore the health of the Florida tourism industry.


Emergency Statewide Marketing Response

Regardless of the actual impact, an immediate emergency marketing response to revive the critical summer tourism season is necessary. The campaign will include print, online, and social marketing targeting in-state, domestic and international markets. The campaign will also include extensive proactive image generation and distribution of photos and videos of visitors enjoying Florida beaches and attractions to counter the impact of widespread negative imagery generated by the spill.

May - July 2010
Budget: $9.45 Million

Marketing Support for Impacted Counties

To support localized marketing efforts by the Florida counties that have been declared to be under a state of emergency by Executive Order Number 10-99 due to the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. VISIT FLORIDA will administer a marketing grant program to provide localized marketing assistance to revive the critical summer travel season in these impacted counties.

May 2010 - September 2010
Budget: $10 Million

VISIT FLORIDA marketing response to mitigate the near and long term impact of the Deepwater Oil Spill will be somewhat dependent upon the actual environmental impact to the state.

Impact Scenarios:
A. No environmental impact but consumers have negative perception.
B. Environmental impact is localized and not widespread. May be intermittent and / or shift. Negative consumer perception extended. Repeat visitation cycle interrupted.
C. Extreme impact. Florida will need to redefine our vacation identity and products.

Impact Scenario A
In the best case scenario in which there is no actual environmental impact to the state of Florida, VISIT FLORDA will still need to mount a significant effort to restore lost confidence in the Florida Tourism product in the fall and winter travel seasons.

August 2010 - October 2010
December 2010 - March 2010
Budget: $20 Million

Impact Scenario B
If there is any environmental impact to the State of Florida and any oil from the Deepwater Oil Spill reaches any Florida beach, the negative impact to consumers long term perceptions of Florida as a travel destination increases exponentially. To minimize the damage to Florida's reputation as the premier leisure travel destination and mitigate the economic impact, VISIT FLORIDA will need to mount an aggressive and sustained communications and marketing campaign.

August 2010 - August 2012
Budget: $100 Million Annually

Impact Scenario C
If there is extreme impact to Florida's environment as a result of the Deepwater Spill the economic impact to the State of Florida will be devastating near term and long term. VISIT FLORIDA will be required to completely redefine the Florida tourism product to our loyal visitors who represent 94% of Florida's annual visitors, and recruit replacement visitors with an entirely new product that would not benefit from an established brand position.

August 2010 - August 2020
Budget: $250 Million Annually

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