Each year, the FEA recognizes a handful of teachers for their outstanding accomplishments in the field of education and present the deserving educators with the prestigious Service Award at the group’s Annual Delegate Assembly.
This year the FEA singled out Franklin County K-12 School teacher Elinor Mount-Simmons at their assembly held in Orlando, Florida on Oct 16.
Simmons selection came after being nominated by fellow teachers for creating her renowned “First Friday Forum” where community leaders are invited to address students in her Academic Recovery class at the K-12 School.
Simmons is no stranger to receiving awards.
In addition, on at least three separate occasions, Simmons received nomination to “Who’s Who Among America’s High School Teachers”.
The qualifications for nominating a teacher come directly from students who have been included in one of three outstanding publications “Who's Who Among American High School Students”, “Who’s Who Among American High School Students - Sports Edition” or “The National Dean's List”. Students are invited to nominate a former teacher who has contributed significantly to their success and growth.
Furthermore, Simmons has worked to protect the interest of all members of her school whiles serving as President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Building Representative of the Local Teacher’s Union. She has also served on both the State and National Teacher’s Union.
Furthermore, Simmons has worked to protect the interest of all members of her school whiles serving as President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Building Representative of the Local Teacher’s Union. She has also served on both the State and National Teacher’s Union.
In between imparting a quality education to the students of the Franklin County School District, Simmons served as Student Council Association Advisor, statistician for the Varsity Boys Basketball team, Varsity Cheerleading Coach and Secretary of the Booster Club.
Her influence reaches beyond the borders of the classroom and into the community, where she served for a period on the Apalachicola Municipal Library Board and presently employed part-time by the City in its Project Impact afterschool and summer program.
She’s President of the Hillside Coalition of Laborers for Apalachicola (H’COLA), which is a community service organization serving the African-American community and Church Secretary at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church.
It's recognition like this that makes me an advocate of public school. Many people think that our schools are sub par but, one of our own educators, receiving an award of this magnitude proves otherwise.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the story of my special recognition with others. You did a fabulous job and I am most appreciative of your efforts. I am proud to represent my profession, my city and my county.