Monday, August 19, 2013

Fighting poverty in Franklin County

Tonight I attended and spoke at the graduation ceremony of the 6th graduating class of the "Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin by World" program.  Getting Ahead is an initiative of Franklin's Promise Coalition, Inc., with the goal of identifying and stamping out the root causes of poverty throughout Franklin County.

The program facilitates a process for people from poverty to investigate the impact that poverty has had on themselves and their community and to use this information to build resources for a better life and community.

Below is the printed text of my remarks:

Mayor Van Johnson, Remarks
6th Graduating Class of Getting Ahead
Monday, August 19, 2013

Where Do You Want To Go?

To our honored participants of the "Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin by World Program”, to your families, friends, loved ones, and guest - I bring you all greetings from the esteemed Apalachicola Board of City Commissioners and our dedicated staff.

It’s an honor for me to join each of you in celebrating your completion of Getting Ahead and your determination to get “Ahead” in this just getting by world.

I like to start by sharing a story I told to a group of students with the Franklin County Public Library Tigers Program back in June of 2009.

The story was about Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, taking from the 1865 fictitious novel written by English author Charles Dodgson under his pen name Lewis Carroll.

As the story goes there was a little girl named Alice, who felled down a rabbit hole and landed in a fantasy world called Wonderland that was populated by non-human creatures that had human characteristics.

While wandering through Wonderland Alice came upon a crossroad where she met a Cheshire cat, unsure of which direction to take… she asked the cat, which road she must travel.

The Cheshire cat responded to Alice by asking her, "where do you want to go", and Alice quickly replied, "I really much don't care".

At that point, the cat told Alice, if you don't care then it really doesn't matter which road you take.

In real life, sometimes due to despair brought on by an unfortunate or unforeseen circumstance, such as a teenage pregnancy, the loss of a job, the death of a breadwinner, a sudden illness or an addiction we tumble over into our own rabbit hole, and while there we sometimes lose direction and our ability to care and can't seem to find our way out.

So the Cheshire cat’s response to Alice was a valid one and applicable to each of you here tonight.

If you have falling into a rabbit hole while travelling life’s journey, and you don't know or care which direction you are headed to get out, then it really doesn't matter which road to travel.

Now let me repeat that again to make sure it hit home! 

If you don't know or care which direction you are headed while travelling life’s journey, then it really doesn't matter which road you travel upon.

The purpose of the Getting Ahead program was to give you relevant information necessary to reflect upon, while self-examining your lives, so you could control your own destinies, in preparation for future success in order to fulfil your goals and dreams.

In other words, the program was designed to prepare you to climb out of any rabbit hole that you may have falling into and rise to your potential.

So the million dollar question has to be asked – moving forward, where do you want to go? Think about it! It’s the same question the Cheshire cat asked Alice.

Once you have answered that question for yourselves, then giving you directions will be the easy part.

The road to success as with every journey we take in life starts with a single step and the first step toward your destination after knowing which road to travel is to prepare for the journey.

It is often said, success happens when preparation meets opportunity.

So while traveling to meet your opportunity, please know that as part of the process, the naysayers in your lives, your friends and sometimes your families will place obstacles in your way, but with determination each step taken toward opportunity will overcome those obstacles.

There will automatically be frustrations, fears and uncertainties lurking around every corner, but with perseverance each step taken toward opportunity will crush those fears and frustrations,

And as a rule, there will be hardships and dangers while traveling toward opportunity, but by focusing on your desired destination all hardships and dangers will also be conquered.

Take a break if you must, but whatever you do please don't give up. 

And always remember that nothing in the world can take the place of persistenceTalent cannot, nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talentGenius cannot, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.  Education cannot, the world is full of educated derelictsPersistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Your participation in the Getting Ahead program was your preparation and first step, now the rest is up to you.

Unlike Alice who felled down the rabbit hole and wondered aimlessly throughout Wonderland without a specific goal or purpose, you have been giving directions, your possibilities are unlimited, and there is absolutely no one impeding your progress or stopping you from getting ahead, other than you, yourselves.

So where do you want to go?

One final note, as you journey toward you destination take God with you and always remember that through Him all things are possible.

May the Grace of God bless you and keep you and may God continue to bless the Great City of Apalachicola and this administration.

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