Friday, May 7, 2010

Franklin County Beaches Remain Unaffected; Watchful Monitoring,

Franklin County tourism officials and their partners in the tourism community say they are grateful for the support, concern and offers to help from people across the country in the wake of the recent Louisiana Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The main thing many of them are saying this week is ”our beaches and seafood remain okay - come visit and support what you love."

Currently, there are no impacts to Franklin County’s tidal shoreline beaches. Environmental officials say the shores are clear and business owners say "C'mon down!" Many of the communities are hosting festivals and events beginning this weekend including the Forgotten Coast Plein Air Invitational May 7-17 and the Apalachicola Artwalk and Wine Fest May 8.

Local TDC officials say if you are planning a trip to our area and are concerned about any potential impact from the Louisiana Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, check with your local destination accommodation in order to get the most up-to-date information on your specific accommodation. Visit to check local accommodations.

If any of the Franklin County communities or events are impacted, the Franklin County TDC website will be updated to reflect changing conditions. Additionally, regular updates on the TDC Facebook page and eblasts will be sent out.

Visitors and residents are also encouraged to check in on local conditions at the Franklin County Emergency Management website for daily updates.

For the latest information on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, visit Here you will find regular news updates, projections of the path of the spill, photos and video and useful links.

The Apalachicola Riverkeeper group is coordinating the non-governmental response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill impact for Franklin County Florida. For more information or to sign up, visit

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