Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Book Squad is on Patrol

Franklin's Promise Coalition staff presents books to City of Apalachicola
Police Department: Pictured from left to right, Hali Thompson, Lt. Pam
Lewis, Sgt. Wesley Creamer, Jeanette Spann and Joe Taylor

What you’re going to do when they come for you? The children on the streets of Apalachicola be on the look-out, ‘The Book Squad’ is on patrol! Each of the Apalachicola Police Department cruisers have been equipped with a wide selection of children’s books that officers will be giving away to kids throughout the community.

“We want the children of our neighborhoods to see Police officers as the kind and caring people they are, not as adversaries in times of trouble and distress”, said Joe Taylor, Franklin’s Promise Coalition Executive Director.

The idea of the book giveaway project originated with Apalachicola Police Lt. Pam Lewis and Taylor, and was quickly embraced by both Franklin's Promise staff and Lewis's fellow officers.

"What a better way to encourage kids to read and build positive relationships between the children and local law enforcement officers", said Lt. Lewis.

An assortment of children books to be given away

The books are provided to Franklin’s Promise Coalition by the ‘Toys for Tots’ Program for distribution to children in the region.

“This is a pilot initiative. We will check with the officers in a few months to see how they think the project is going, if we need to make changes, and if they think we should continue. If the officers say it’s a worthwhile project, we will reach out to other law enforcement agencies in the area”, said Hali Thompson, Programs Assistant for Franklin’s Promise.

‘The Book Squad’ is another fine example of a long list of many projects where the leadership of Apalachicola have collaborated with Franklin’s Promise to benefit the local people. Local governments that recognize the value of such relationships often find themselves multiplying the services they provide to the residents of their communities and this is just one of the creative partnerships that Franklin’s Promise Coalition provides to build relationships across the region. The results are proving that these initiatives support happier, healthier individuals and encourage stronger families and build a more resilient community.

If you would like to learn more about Franklin’s Promise or to become involved, contact Hali Thompson at (850) 653-3930.

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