Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Resolution: The Study of Local History

NOTE: The Apalachicola Board of City Commissioners moved and unanimously passed at the June 4, 2013, meeting the following resolution requesting the Franklin County School District add the study of local history to it's curriculum.


The Study of Local History

A resolution of the Apalachicola Board of City Commissioners respectfully requesting the Honorable Franklin County School Superintendent Nina M. Marks, and the esteemed Franklin County District School Board, to consider complementing the curriculum of Franklin County students with the study of local history.

Whereas, Franklin County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida is comprised of  within it boundaries both incorporated and unincorporated communities, all of which are rich with multigenerational history that dates back to the early eighteen hundredths and;

Whereas, such history was given prominence and placed into perspective during the recent Civil War History Weekend sponsored by the Apalachicola Maritime Museum and;

Whereas, the Apalachicola Board of City Commissioners find it imperative, that such history be further shared and taught to every child within Franklin County that falls under the purview of the Franklin County School District and;

Whereas, the teaching of local history without doubt will greatly influence a positive evolution of Franklin County and its communities by stirring within the hearts and fostering within the minds of each child, a greater appreciation, admiration and understanding of the communities in which they live and call home respectively and collectively.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apalachicola Board of City Commissioners does hereby go on record as being supportive of any current or future endeavors of the Franklin County School District to add the study of local history to its curriculum.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this duly elected governing body of the Great City of Apalachicola, under the Laws of the State of Florida and the Official Charter of the City, hereunto collectively and jointly set our hands and has caused the Official Seal of the City to be affixed.

Adopted at the regular scheduled monthly meeting of the Apalachicola Board of City Commissioners this fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen.


Van W. Johnson, Sr., Mayor                                       
Frank Cook, Mayor Pro-Tem
Brenda Ash, Commissioner                                        
James Elliott, Commissioner
Mitchell Bartley, Commissioner                                 

Betty Taylor-Webb, Administrator 

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