Monday, January 16, 2012

Mayor's Remarks at 2012 MLK Day Celebration

NOTE: Annually the Love & Worship Center Ministries host a community wide celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday, this year the celebration was held at the Fort Coombs National Guard Armory. Below are written remarks made by Apalachicola Mayor Van Johnson at the event held on January 16, 2012.

As always, it's an honor for me to be in fellowship with the Love & Worship Center Ministries and especially on an occasion where we celebrate the birth and the legacy of one of America's greatest heroes.

I like to thank the Apostle Shirley C. White and the entire Love Center family, not only for the invitation to make a few remarks, but also for the incredible effort poured into this community event year after year. I commend each of you for a job well done.

As Mayor of Apalachicola, it would be remiss of me if I didn't extend a special welcome to one of our native sons and today's keynote speaker, Dr. Fredrick Humphries. Dr. Humphries - welcome home, it is an honor to have you back in the Historic City of Apalachicola.

Although today is a day of great celebration, it is also a day of contemplation, where we not only reflect upon the memory of Dr. King, but also resolve within ourselves to walk in the footsteps of his dream. Otherwise, those precious words of liberty and justice for all - will forever ring hollow.

Dr. King's belief that the American dream was everyone's inalienable right, is the very definition of equality, and the groundwork of our democracy.

All of us, whether we are elected officials or private citizens, should take inspiration from King's dream – not just today, but everyday of our lives.

That is the way we truly honor his legacy.

Again, I thank you for the opportunity to join with you this morning.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

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