Friday, September 9, 2011

Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you again!

Mayor Van Johnson
I can’t say thank you enough as I was completely overwhelmed by your show of support in my bid for reelection as mayor of Apalachicola and humbled by the privilege and awesome responsibility that both the Lord God Jehovah and you the voters have once again entrusted in me to lead this great city.

My love goes out to my entire campaign team, who all worked tirelessly over the last six weeks to help spread the word of my candidacy.

Now that the election is over, we must get back to the work of reinforcing in the minds of everyone that Apalachicola is but one community with a singular purpose. The area of the city in which one lives doesn’t make any part of the city any less or more important than any other. The successes we have experienced thus far were made possible because your city officials have been unified in our vision and focused on what’s good for all, including our employees.

Using this approach, Apalachicola has fared much better than most communities have in the panhandle and I trust that you will join with us as we continue on that path.

Van W. Johnson, Sr., Mayor
The Historic City of Apalachicola

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