Sunday, March 13, 2011

Scores turn out for 16th Annual Camp Gordon Johnston Reunion

The City of Carrabelle – Apalachicola’s sister city 22-miles due east was bursting at the seams over a beautiful March weekend as scores of visitors converged upon the area to participate in the 16th Annual Camp Gordon Johnston Reunion.

On Saturday afternoon March 12, the crowd was scheduled to be treated to a mocked beach landing at the Carrabelle Beach Wayside Park using a 174 foot New Orleans Landing Craft (LCU 2034) similar to the ones used in World War II and during the training exercises the U.S. Army conducted in the area during the war.

The craft arrived but unfortunately the mocked landing didn’t materialize due to a low tide that prevented the vessel from getting close to the beach.

Photo by Gail D. Johnson

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