Tuesday, March 1, 2011

BP releases weekly government claims report

On Monday, February 28, BP released its weekly update on claim payments the company has made to governmental entities in each state, including Florida.

According to the report - as of February 24, BP paid out a grand total of $18, 498,461.81, to various governments both city and county throughout the state.

In Franklin County, the report indicated the County Emergency Management received $313,333.39 for response and removal, the City of Apalachicola $79,417.47 for response and removal and likewise for response and removal the Apalachicola River Keepers received $32,117.40.

Combined the three county entities received reimbursements totaling $424,868.26 for expenditures each occurred while planning for and responding to last summer’s oil spill in the Gulf. The totals exclude advances made toward response and removal or other contributions made to the state or to local governments.

You can find releases of future reports by visiting the FloridaGulfResponse website.

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