Thursday, July 1, 2010

BP told to speed up payments to local governments

In a closed-door meeting on Wednesday, June 30, with the BP executive in charge of the Gulf clean up, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson pressed him on complaints about unpaid costs incurred by Florida counties hit by the oil spill. By one estimate, the figure amounts to more than $7 million already.

“I wanted some reassurance that this is going to be reimbursed, and pronto,” Nelson said today, after meeting in his office with Bob Dudley, the managing director of BP.

Dudley has taken charge of the Gulf coast restoration since BP CEO Tony Hayward turned over those duties two weeks ago. All told, BP says it’s has processed 104,812 claims and paid out $130,090,335 all along the Gulf coast.

But Nelson said local business owners and officials from Florida’s Panhandle have brought complaints to him in e-mails and calls. At least eight counties in Florida’s Panhandle report they have yet to receive any money for their work responding to the oil spill.

In its last report dated June 4, 2010, it is estimated that BP owe Franklin County, Florida a total of $565,110, for monies expended in preparation of the Gulf oil spill.

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