Friday, May 7, 2010

Local update on Louisiana Oil Spill

The State of Florida and Franklin County officials continue to monitor the oil spill off the Louisiana coast very closely. The Chamber is attending daily conference calls to stay informed of the planning efforts.

The Franklin County Contingency Planning Committee, appointed by county commissioners on Tuesday, met all day Wednesday and part of today to develop a local contingency plan in the event some of the oil from the spill reaches our county. The committee has representatives from many agencies, county commissioners, law enforcement, elected officials, county staff, the TDC, businesses and local fishermen.

We also have representatives from DEP, state emergency management officials, BP, and the Coast Guard. To stay informed about the spill sign up for updates at or by following on Twitter

The Apalachicola Riverkeepers are coordinating local volunteer pre clean ups and training. Sign up on their website to volunteer Weather at the offshore site has been much better an efforts to control the spill are improving daily.

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