Saturday, September 12, 2009

Library requests Key Estate funds

At the city’s Sept 8 meeting, Librarian Caty Greene told commissioners that the Library Board had recently voted to forward a request to the city for funds from the Key Estate for needed capital improvements at the library.

Greene informed commissioners that board members agreed at their August 31 meeting, to ask the city for approximately $35,000, from the estate to purchase carrels for computers, magazine racks, shelving and a new heating and air conditioning system to replace the existing unit that’s in disrepair.

Greene further stated that the library needed to replace the old computer located in her office with a new one along with making the other needed purchases.

City Attorney Pat Floyd told Greene that the city would have to look at the provisions of the estate to make sure that the list of items was within the requirements. “I just need to look at it to see… because I know that the books and things like that are provided for and also the improvements”, Floyd said.

Before granting the request, commissioners consented to have Floyd read over the provisions and to report his finding at the Sept 15 special meeting.

Greene also reported that beginning Saturday, Sept 19 the library would be kicking off its “Fall into Books at Your Library” program. The program will feature five weeks of Saturday morning storytelling for children starting at 10:00AM for preschooler’s ages 3 to 5, 11:00AM for grades K-2, and noon for third through fifth graders.

For more information on the reading program, contact Librarian Caty Greene at (850) 653-8436.

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