Monday, September 7, 2009

Elder Care serves lunch to benefit seniors

Elder Care Services the lead agency in the county for senior services will be preparing lunch for delivery on Tuesday, September 15, to area businesses to benefit seniors in Franklin County.

In an effort to raise funds to provide much-needed senior services, Elder Care volunteers are currently taking orders for a grilled chicken Caesar salad along with a brownie for the price of $10.00. Five dollars from the sale of each meal will go toward providing in home services and Meals-on-Wheels for area seniors.

A minimum order of two meals per office is necessary for delivery at your place of business between the hours of 11:30AM and 1:30PM on Sept 15. You can preorder your meal by telephoning (850) 921-5554 on or before Friday, September 11.

In July 2006, the Area Agency on Aging designated Elder Care Services as the central service provider in Franklin County to serve as both a provider of supportive and nutrition services under the Older Americans Act and as a Community Care for the Elderly lead agency.

During the period from July 2008 to June 2009, Elder Care coordinated and monitored services for over 175 seniors, including high-risk seniors and served over 29,332 meals.

This benefit fundraiser is another fine example of the length Elder Care Services will go toward providing quality services for Franklin County senior citizens.

The Apalachicola Bay Chamber of Commerce is a proud sponsor of Elder Care Services and this benefit lunch for seniors.

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