Friday, July 10, 2009

Daly presents P&Z report to commission

At the July 7, commission meeting, Tom Daly, vice-chair of the city’s planning & zoning board gave commissioners an overview of several items currently under review by the planning board.

Daly told commissioners that P&Z members were looking at an ordinance that will govern requests for temporary road closures throughout the city, he also stated that board members were engaged in a continued discussion concerning revamping the city’ sign ordinance.

Daly further told commissioners that the zoning board was working with Cindy Clark and Rebecca Jetton on an EAR-based amendment update to the comprehensive plan. Clark is the city’s paid consultant on comp plan matters and Jetton is on loan from the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) to help with the process. The comp plan update is to identify and plan for water supply sources and needed facilities to serve existing and new development within the city’s jurisdiction.

According to Daly, the planning & zoning board will also address and make recommendations in the comp plan concerning traffic on U.S. Highway 98 and address the need for affordable housing.

Daly concluded his report by telling city commissioners that planning & zoning members would also look at resolving the conflicts that exist between the comp plan and the land development code.

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