Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Commission Report: March 3, 2009

Other business before the city commission at the March 3 meeting included the following:

*Phyllis Blan again appeared before the Board requesting the renaming of Veterans Park across from the Grady Market in honor of the late Robert “Bobby” Howell former Apalachicola Mayor and County Clerk of Courts. The board informed Ms. Blan that it would consider her request along with the other requests received concerning the development and renaming of the park.

*The Board approved the purchase of an 2009/2010 Pearce Pumper truck off the State of Florida contract bid list for the Apalachicola Volunteer Fire Department . Betty Taylor-Webb, City Administrator reported that the truck including hoses, nozzles, decals, and striping will cost the city $217,710. The Board agreed to use funds from the Municipal Service Benefit Units (MSBU) Assessment to pay for the truck.

*At the recommendation of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), the city commission agreed to replace Kathy Robinson with local certified public accountant Mark Friedman.

*Apalachicola Chief of Police Bobby Varnes reported that during the month of February his department answered 157 calls, made eight direct arrests, served three warrants, investigated three traffic accidents and issued eighteen traffic citations, ten of which were for speeding.

*City administrator Betty Taylor-Webb reported that the Fire/Police station USDA application has been submitted and plans are to proceed with Phase I of the project with the current funding of $250,000 to construct the truck bay garage. Phase II will encompass the USDA funds for payment of the existing building, bringing the structure into ADA compliance and interconnecting the two structures, the existing building with the garage. Webb further reported that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the School District for project impact has been finalized and the program started.

*City grants manager Cindi Giametta reported that the city is in receipt of the contract for the $1.5 million dollar Florida Department of Elder Affairs grant to restore the old Holy Family School into a Senior Citizens Center.

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